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Sarah Vaughan Reflexology

Find your Inner Balance with Reflexology

Supporting you with hormonal issues from fertility and menstrual cycle problems to perimenopause and beyond.

Meet Sarah

Reflexologist, Reproflexologist and Coach

Hello and thank you for being here. I am Sarah Vaughan, Reflexolgist, Reproflexologist, coach and spiritual, intuitive healer, based in East Kent.


Whether it's supporting clients to become more aware of their own bodies, hormones and cycles, or helping people to release stress, tension or emotional blocks in order to move forward in life and create more abundance - I can help.

Sarah Vaughan reflexology
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Vouchers now available!

I now have vouchers available to buy. If you would like to treat someone to one or more reflexology treatments, please email me: or use the contact form below.​


Terms and conditions apply, see my price list here.

What I Specialise In

Supporting you to understand your hormones

Supporting Natural conception

Supporting Assisted conception (IVF)

Support for menopause and perimenopause

Coaching to help with lifestyle changes

Foot Massage

The Journey Towards Health Begins on the Path of Self Love. Begin Your Journey Today.

"Thank you so much for and amazing treatment. I feel much more balanced now and I definitely feel some positive health-related shifts."

- Reflexology client

Sarah is the best reflexologist I've ever met! I was in heaven for what felt like well over an hour.

- Reflexology client

I was shocked after just the first session, I felt a million times better... hot flushes reduced and I slept much better.

- Perimenopause  reflexology client

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